7 reasons why your practice website is not performing.

7 reasons why your practice website is not performing.

As technology evolves, so should the digital strategies employed by your private practice. Simply having a website was a game changer in the 1990s and early 2000s. In today's technology-driven society, your private practice requires more than just a website... Your private practice website should be visually appealing, easily navigable, SEO-friendly, and track key analytics.

Your prospective patients are concerned about the appearance of your website. According to Stanford University, 75 percent of people judge a company's credibility based on its website design.

Let's look at why your private therapy practice needs a new website, whether you're just starting out or have been in business for a while.

Your website is incompatible with mobile devices.

With mobile phones accounting for more than half of all mobile searches, your website must be built with mobile in mind.

It's time for a new website if yours scrolls left and right on a mobile device or requires a person to zoom in on your content. Perhaps more importantly, Google now indexes new websites using its 'mobile-first' indexing method (as of July 1, 2019). This is Google's way of emphasizing the importance of your mobile strategy in 2019 and beyond.

Your psychology website has low search engine rankings.

Google's algorithms are constantly changing. SEO strategies from 5 to 10 years ago are unlikely to work today. If your website's search engine rankings are poor, it's time to start over.

Google values original, one-of-a-kind, high-quality content on websites, which is why blogging can be an important part of your SEO strategy.

SEO is an essential marketing strategy for your dental practice's long-term success. It is critical that potential patients can find and search your website. According to Search Engine Journal, 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine.

3 Your website employs Flash.

Flash is strictly prohibited. Not only is it unpopular with your potential patients, but search engines no longer read it, making it useless for SEO. It's time to redesign your website if it was built with flash.

4 Visitors to Your Practice's Website Aren't Converting

One of the primary goals of your private practice's website is to not only attract new patients, but to convert them into patients as well. If your bounce rate is extremely high, which means that potential clients visit your site and then leave without visiting another page, it's a good indication that your visitors don't find your website useful or beneficial to them. Your private practice website design could be failing to convert for a variety of reasons, including:

Loss of faith in the design of your dental website

The design of your psychologist's website is perplexing.

Non-relevant visitors are flocking to your website.

Your call-to-action buttons are absent or insufficiently visible.

Your visitors do not believe your business expertise is credible.

Fortunately, most private practices can fix the above list with a new website redesign.

5 Your practice's website appears to be old and out of date.

Web design trends change. Even on the most popular platforms, such as Facebook and Google, what was once acceptable has changed. Perhaps it's something obvious, like your copyright hasn't been updated since 2008, or it was simply built using outdated design principles.

According to ResearchGate, 94 percent of people believe that well-designed websites are more trustworthy. If your dental website simply appears to be outdated, a dental website redesign can position your company for online success.

6 Your practice's website is taking too long to load.

If your website pages take more than 3 to 5 seconds to load, it might be time for a new website. According to Kissmetrics, if a website takes more than 3 seconds to load, 40% of visitors will abandon it.

According to ResearchGate, 94 percent of people believe that well-designed websites are more trustworthy. If your dental website simply appears to be outdated, a dental website redesign can position your company for online success.

6 Your practice's website is taking too long to load.

If your website pages take more than 3 to 5 seconds to load, it might be time for a new website. According to Kissmetrics, if a website takes more than 3 seconds to load, 40% of visitors will abandon it.

There are numerous reasons why your website may be loading slowly, but most of them require significant effort to resolve. In many cases, it is better to have a website completely redesigned rather than invest in fixing an old one.

7 Your current website has outgrown your private practice.

We frequently come across private practices with websites that resemble something out of a horror film. Things have been pieced together over the years by various website developers as new service pages and other elements have been added.

The good news is that if your website is designed to scale in the future, it will be able to grow alongside your private practice.

It's Time to Redesign Your Private Practice Website

If you can relate to any of the ten reasons listed above for getting a new private practice website design, it's time for a website update. . Look no further than Practice Crown if you need a beautiful website design combined with a top-tier SEO strategy! Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation to discuss your private practice website requirements.