A mini guide to get started with appointment reminders automation for your practice.

A mini guide to get started with appointment reminders automation for your practice.

Why send reminders for appointments?

With a no-show percentage of 15–30% on average across the country, the problem for appointment-based businesses doesn't go away when a customer makes a reservation. Getting them to actually show up—ideally, on time and prepared—is the hardest part. Many companies must decide whether to invest significant time and money in recruiting more people to manage appointment reminders or whether to accept a greater no-show percentage. Call-based confirmations and reminders are common in appointment-based enterprises. However, evidence reveals that text message reminders receive a response rate that is on average 53.5% greater than voice call reminders.

You must send your clients brief but informative appointment reminders in order to stand out from the daily hubbub. But where do you begin?

Details to Provide

By definition, appointment reminders are messages you send to your clients that include information about their impending appointments. The time, date, place, and type of service are typically included. Although reminders should be tailored to your clientele, the following general principles should be followed:

How Do Reminders for Appointments Operate?

Your clients can receive appointment reminders in a variety of ways.


Access your client's information and appointment information to manually send messages using their preferred means of communication. It might be sent via text, email, or phone calls. Use your own phone or collaborate with a vendor who can give you a business texting number to send the texts. You can prevent your clients from messaging you on your personal phone by setting up a new number.

Advantages of manual setup Unless you set up a business texting number, there is no financial fee. DIY necessitates a quick learning curve for new tools. Cons of manual setup:

This method requires the most time. Sending appointment reminders calls for personal and family time, which is what this strategy entails.


62% of no-shows are the result of the client just forgetting Numerous scheduling programmes and calendars are starting to include an automated booking message that is sent when the appointment is made. Following that, clients can add the appointment to their personal calendars and get reminders there.

Advantages of manual setup

PROS: The setup is minimal. Due to the prompted notification, it is simpler for customers to "add to calendar" when the appointment is created.

Drawbacks of manual setup

CONS: The difficulty with trigger-based reminders that only occur once is that they don't address forgetfulness and distraction on the scheduled appointment day. A single reminder is insufficient to completely solve the no-show issue.


You can "set it and forget it" if your appointment reminder system is totally automated. Meaning that following the initial setting, as appointments are added to your schedule, reminder cadences will be triggered. You may also convert remainders into multiple languages using a fully automated service, depending on the language your client prefers.

advantages of manual setup

PROS: This option gives you the most control over frequency and scheduling of communications, as well as the ability to customize the content of the messages for your clients. Additionally, your clients can indicate to you in real time that they intend to attend your meeting, which then appears on your scheduling calendar.

CONS: The investment in a fully automated system ison the higher side.

What capabilities you should look for in a reminder system:

Based on rules: The option to differentiate reminder sequences based on the types of appointments you provide (for example, initial consultations, annual check-ups, etc.) allows for a personalized approach for each customer and lets them know you are anticipating their arrival or what they should expect with yours.

Integration with your calendar should be possible: Saving time and enhancing your current CRM, calendar, and address book. You may need to vary from the current scheduling procedure that is in place and effective for your firm today, which might involve lengthy installation and training processes.

Multiple formats: The utilization of SMS text, email, and phone calls are all alternatives for several communication formats/options to suit your client's demands. Language and preferred form of contact customization features must be offered.


The vast majority of texts sent from businesses to clients are related to appointments and scheduling. Therefore, features like online scheduling and appointment reminders are no longer considered "good to haves". They are what your clients anticipate. 90% OF TEXT MESSAGES ARE READ 3 SECONDS AFTER RECEIVING THEM The data is evident after scrutinizing millions of text, voice, and email appointment reminders. Reminders for appointments are essential to your company's productivity and profitability. And in the rest of the globe, text reminders rule. .